Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Changes, some good some bad.

So there have been some changes in my life since my last post (nigh on 6 months ago...shit I suck at blogging...). I'm not employed! Woohoo, and not only am I employed, I'm even off probation bitches! I now work for a Defense Contractor (I love saying that, it makes me feel all powerful inside) as a Flight dispatcher. We provide training to the military around here, so it tends to keep things interesting. Plus...I get to post wicked awesome pictures like this! Thats right this was taken by yours truly, with my fancy camera, though to get the file size down I had to sacrifice some picture quality.

This job is good for me cause I'll be able to pay off my staggering mountain of debt (damn you student loans) in about a year or so, which is always great obviously. I'm also hoping to raise enough dinero to be able to pay for some further flight training before I actually start flying for a living.

I'm gonna do my best to keep this thing up to date a bit more. I'd also like to get a few more readers, cause I think this is ending up more like a journal that only I read...