Wednesday, April 8, 2009

If the weather doesn't get you, something else will!

I've finally gotten to fly some after not being able to fly for almost 2 weeks straight. We've had the most garbage weather lately, the temperature got warm enough about 3 weeks ago for almost everything to melt, and then it all came back and we got another foot of snow. Needless to say, I didn't get to fly much. I haven't been relaxing though, I've clocked in almost 10 hours in that last week since we've been flying again and it's feeling good.

On saturday I took two fellow Prov pilots Mike and Ben out for a rip out to Kenora (YQK) in the schools Diamond Star. It was a nice ride with a super smooth cruise, though there was some confusion upon our return to St. Andrews with our flight plan (we amended in with Kenora Radio to go straight back to St. Andrews instead of out to Steinbach because of time). However everything worked out in the ned and the boys had fun. I'll get some pics up from that later.

In the meantime, I'm gonna be working on getting my CPL level flying up to snuff. I had originally planned to have my CPL ride finished by the end of April but thats going to be pushed to the end of May now I think. I'm heading to the UK for 3 weeks with my College Chamber Singers group from April 21st-May 10th, and I don't want to rush myself to get it all done.

Until my next post though, I'll leave you with a shot from when I was working on my Multi-engine rating! Ciao!